ELB Housing llc
Real State Multifamily Investment
Creating returns through multifamilies
We are an investment company that purchases, rents, and manages multi-family properties to create wealth by improving our properties, providing clean and quality housing to our low-income tenants, and generating opportunities for our investors.
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The ELB Housing formula
What we do
We purchase, rent, and Manage multi-family housing units that attract a specific market segment of middle-income earners
recognized for our expertise
Our job is to investigate investment opportunities throughout the U.S by leveraging industry expertise and performing efficient property acquisition to operate and obtain a substantial market share for our Investors
Our market
We target individuals ages 18 to 34 with incomes of $35,000 and less who represnet 22% of Americans, operating in the $31.3 billion Apartment Building industry in which average businesses earn $4.0 million annually
Contact Our
Attorneys Today
Main Office
14191 S US Highway 301
Summerfield FL 34491
Block II
Tel. (813)-466-4546
Email: luis@elbhousing.com
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